Isaacs blog
Life, Death and the Forever After Natalie Portman describes what her beliefs are on what our existence ultimately amounts too. It is a very materialistic point of view where there is only the world and nothing else beyond. She also believes that to think of our lives in this way is the best course of action. But why would that be the case? Does the need to not worry for your existence after dying leave the door open to having whatever moral standards you wish to have. The absence of any accountability to someone or something namely a deity gives la person the free pass of only living for themselves. Because what purpose do good deeds serve if in the end it doesn't give you pleasure or satisfaction. There is no incentive to meet a high moral standard. On the other hand it could be the entire opposite. A person could feel obligated too meet high moral standards or live to help and serve others with the end goal of having an impact. This could be driven by the fear of not havi...