Isaacs blog

Life, Death and the Forever After 

 Natalie Portman describes what her beliefs are on what our existence ultimately amounts too. It is a very materialistic point of view where there is only the world and nothing else beyond. She also believes that to think of our lives in this way is the best course of action. But why would that be the case? Does the need to not worry for your existence after dying leave the door open to having whatever moral standards you wish to have.

The absence of any accountability to someone or something namely a deity gives la person the free pass of only living for themselves. Because what purpose do good deeds serve if in the end it doesn't give you pleasure or satisfaction. There is no incentive to meet a high moral standard. On the other hand it could be the entire opposite. A person could feel obligated too meet high moral standards or live to help and serve others with the end goal of having an impact. This could be driven by the fear of not having any form of existence after death. Therefore leading someone to seek immortality through the deeds they leave behind as a mark on human history.  


Ultimately I think that whether you live thinking in an afterlife or not to believe that it is the best way to live is bleak. Without God to give us purpose and meaning in our lives everything fundamentally becomes meaningless. Often times remembering how small my problems are compared to the ultimate end goal of reaching heaven gives me perspective on what I should do. That although this is momentary and seems like a never ending struggle or that it would be pointless to continue there is hope for something better and I should strive to achieve more.

It also brings humility. In a way where before living for myself isn't what I should strive for not only because of the consequences but because I also seek to lead others to the eternal paradise with the Lord. I think that even with all of this in mind it is still easy to lose sight of our eternal purpose and be enveloped with pursuing worldly pleasures and aims or goals. What saves us is God himself reminding us that he is there.

The Choice is yours


  1. From Debora

    Good Job Isaac! Your blog was so fascinating to read. I really enjoyed the ending where you put the Choice is yours because that is true the choice will always be yours. I also enjoyed your last paragraph where you said (In a way where before living for myself isn't what I should strive for not only because of the consequences but because I also seek to lead others to the eternal paradise with the Lord.) This is very much true I Believe that some people forget that with out God we would not be who we are today and that we were put in this world to spread the word of God to others.

  2. whats up Isaac this was a wonderful blog and very well written. I really liked your title I don't know what it is about it but it just makes the blog way more interesting and it draws people closer to wanting to know more about what the blog is about. I also loved at the end after giving your side and how you feel about things u said at the end the choice is yours and i feel that that was a good touch

  3. With your clear and concise way of braking down a complex topic made it easy to digest. Also its nice to see how God was brought up, how he is a guiding figure for all. God is like an anchor that grounds peoples outlook on life is the general take away I got. All in all good, with a well structured statement its hard to argue against.


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