What is Faith?


Science Vs. Faith 


Science adjusts its view based on what is observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved. 

Science is the study of the natural world through observation and experimentation. This requires gathering information with our senses and being able to interpret relevant information into conclusions. Faith on the other hand seems to be the complete opposite of this as it’s the absolute trust or confidence in someone or something. Biblically faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do see. However blind faith may seem it is not.

Faith is like sitting in a chair or driving a car, turning on a light switch, or even opening doors. We use these things every day and don’t think twice about whether they will work or no, we have faith in them. However, these items aren’t baseless and don’t work at random. Much like God, they have proven themselves to work and exist and function regardless of whether we believe they do or not. 

Faith is not the denial of observation but more so the practice and exercise of our observations. No one wakes up and tests everything they use to see if it still works, instead after seeing that it does and has worked we continually believe that it does and trust it stays the same. Beliefs are based on what we observe however they can be wrong depending on how we reach the conclusion. For faith to work appropriately the evidence surrounding and supporting it must remain consistent and hold up to tests of outside sources and critics.

Personally in my experience science very much reflects and reinforces the concept of faith. science like many things follows a set of rules. I don't think that these rules are random or they weren't there without purpose. Because as much as you look into it scientific law has a design and the design alludes to a creator we cannot observe ourselves because of the nature of observation. There is intelligent design that cannot be ignored. This is most apparent in biology where there is an irreducible complexity to life forms and a baseline organism is needed to build further.

In conclusion faith isn't opposite to science. But it they are merely different aspects of the same thing with one reinforcing the other when exercised properly it is illustrated. This is given to us by God himself in Proverbs 1:7. 

Word count: 386


  1. Hi Isaac. I really liked reading your blog as it was very well out together. I liked the comparison you used with the car and driving, and sitting, and even lights to explain faith. I also liked how you described faith as not the denial of observation but as the actual work and practice of it. I liked how you explained that science and faith are not different but reinforce each other. This was a very insightful and good read.

  2. WOW! I LIKED THIS ONE! My favorite part was when you spoke about science reinforcing faith. I think that is very true considering the connection between God's nature and the nature of the world itself. You can write really well and you put some of my own thoughts into words!

  3. This had really clear content I could easily understand your point across the blog. Your photos are well represented but you might have forgotten your tags.

  4. The enjoyment I had from reading this was most notable. Due mostly to the common rhetoric of the same old faith and science beings opposites. To often people that surround themselves in science become complacent to the majority opinion and view of the world. I'm glad someone who has the same passions as of many others but is one who does not conform.

  5. I liked the way you mixed metaphors and definitions in your prompt when describing faith. I think that combination is underrated and creativity

  6. I like the picture of the cross that sunset hits different. I also enjoyed reading your blog. I liked what you said Faith is not the denial of observation but more so the practice and exercise of our observations. Faith is like sitting in a chair or driving a car, turning on a light switch, or even opening doors. I also liked how you explained the meaning of faith and science.

  7. A great concept about science and faith. By comparing these topics to other things we experience during our everyday lives, this is how we can better understand and enjoy your blog


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